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Writer's pictureJulia Kulish

My Very Bones Cry Out...

"My Vey Bones Cry Out, Who is Like You"  36x36 oil

     This is number three in a series of paintings based on the poetry of the book of Psalms. I have spent the past Spring and Summer contemplating these beautiful words . Often times titles of paintings come more from the things I was going through/ thinking through than what the painting actually "looks" like. For this one, it is both.  From the time I first sketched this out, from the unfurling petals to the bursting insides, this was to me, a picture of something I have felt a million times over. 

      When I don't have a paint brush in my hand, you will often find me with a mic in hand. I have been singing since my early teens, most often with a worship band. It is hard to put  into words, but many times when either painting or singing, especially when my attention is on the God who made me to do these very things - there is that incredible feeling of knowing- this is why I am here. All that I have and am and every ounce of my being is meant, not to whisper, but to cry out with a loud voice to Him. I'm not meant to hold back. My very bones are meant to shout  "who is like Him?!"

     This painting is available for purchase.  Please contact me ( ) for more information.  Here are the other paintings in this series, so far...

"The Glory and the Lifter of My Head" 36x48 oil

"Why so Downcast, Oh My Soul? Put Your Hope In God" 36x48 oil

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