This Spring has been busy here in the studio, with lots of special projects going on.
I started and completed this big guy! This is a 36x48 oil on wrap around canvas #dontfearthebigart! I cannot even begin to describe how much I love painting on a big canvas. It is thrilling to stand before a big canvas of white and begin to paint something bigger than life, with the hopes of making it extraordinary.
This painting has quite a story behind it. When began I had an image in my mind of what I wanted to convey, but not necessarily a theme or message behind it. My time standing before a canvas with paintbrush in hand, is often spent in quiet contemplation and even prayer. The goings on of life, both the good and the bad, are pondered in a deep way. During the painting of this one, I had a lot on my mind and was really struggling with some situations that felt daunting. I spent lots of time, while painting this, praying and thinking about different scriptures I have read that give me peace.
Fast forward to the completion of the painting. I was happy with the way it turned out - I really felt like my heart was really out there for all to see on it. But I had no name. Not one idea for one! So I posted a picture of it on my Facebook page and asked my followers to help me out. I am so thankful for all of the answers I received! All in all I was given 63 wonderful suggestions! It took me a while to go over all of the ideas. Many of them took paths that I hadn't expected. It was so fun to get a glimpse of the thought process viewers go through when they see your art!
The name, "the Glory and the Lifter of My Head" really spoke to me. It put into words ideas I had while painting, but hadn't quite been able to convey with words myself. The title comes from the Book of Psalms and was written by David at a very difficult time in his life, when everything around him told him all was hopeless. But he chose not to believe that. Instead, he turned his eyes Heavenward and declared where his hope came from. In so many ways, that described my thoughts while I painted this- struggling to find peace in the midst of voices that screamed, all is hopeless. As I look back over my time spent before this canvas, I can see many "David" moments when I took my stand, choosing to trust in the One who gives hope. Amazing sometimes, the twists and turns a painting takes.
This painting is for available for purchase. You will find pricing and more information here. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please email me at julskul@msn.com.